Disease-related Conditions
Potential Home Hazards
Narrow Steps
Slippery Surfaces
Insufficient Lighting
Surrounding Environment
Poor Building Design
Cracked Pavement
Lack of Lighting in Public Spaces
Medication Intake
Emotional State
Alcohol Consumption
Sedentary Behavior
Social Conditions
Low Education
Lack of Social Interaction
Lack of Lighting in Public Spaces
Economic Status
Inadequate Housing
Loss of Independence
Lower quality of life
Increased anxiety and depression
Decreased Activity and mobility
Reduced social contact
High medication use
Increased dependence on medical social services and informal carers
Long-term physical disability, severe dependency or fatal injuries
Substantial costs of treatment and rehabilitation
High number of older adults placed in a care home after a fall
Loss of productivity (e.g. lost income) of individuals or family care givers taking care of fall-injured person